Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heath First?

In Canada heath is a top priority. They have given every citizen free heath care. It sucks that America is such a great country ,in my opinion, that we don't have heath care for every citizen. It sucks cause when you don't have heath insurance its hard to do anything cause you know when you get hurt its going to cost a lot. It sucks to cause i didn't have it for the past month and i got very sick. I couldn't go to the Cleavland Clinic like i would normally but i had to go to Urgent Care Center. They suck there because they take forever just to see you and the bill is....well lets just say it was a lot.LOL.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The past week I've been fighting another sickness. Now don't get all wired on me its not Swine Flu. I have swollen glands. By far one of the worst sicknesses i have had, because i can't do anything. I couldn't eat,drink or sleep for three days! This made me lose ten pounds in the processes. Also, i missed the first three days of full pad practice. I felt so bad just sitting at home while my teammates were outside in 100 degree weather. I am going to get my tonsils out after spring practices end so i won't have to deal with this sickness ever again.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I LOVE COLLEGE Pictures, Images and Photos
I can not wait till I get to college. From what I hear college is something that sounds like a whole lotta fun. I can't imagine what to expect. I have this perfect picture of what college is suppose to look like and I want to find the college that fits it. That is what I going to look for when I make my choice in what college I pick. My teachers tell me that the best time of there life so far was college. My friends tell me the parties are 1000 times better than any high school one. Also they said the girls are amazing. But other than that I want a nice college town when I go to one. I have a picture in my head of what it should look like but only time will tell if it looks like that. So ill end this with this quote, "There is a time and place for everything, and its college.

Chines food

beach Pictures, Images and Photos
My day today was veddi good. I woke up today and i had no school(sorta). But i went out side and was like, "Wow! What a beautiful day!" So i decided to go to the beach. Went there and played a little game of football on a sand bar. It was so much fun! After that walked across the street to Hooters. Then went home. Later on Walid called me to go eat somewhere. We went by this chines food place and i got general Tao's chicken. It was so frigging good! the rice that came with it was amazing. Also the soup was great. So as Ice Cube would say "Today was a good day."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Are Steroids Really That Bad?

steroids Pictures, Images and Photos
Are steroids really that bad? While doing my research project on steroids in sports over spring break I learned allot about steroids. Now we all know steroids shrink your balls(sorry for the language), but what else does it do. Supposedly they cause cancer according to Lyle Alzado(R.I.P). But yet there is no true fact that is true though. They also say it closes growth plates in teens, but then again there still are no facts on if that is true or not.
One thing they do know that since your body is getting so much bigger, that your blood has to rush to all your parts of the body so that you can function and this can result in a heart attack or heart problems. They also can give you Gynecomastia also know as by the gym rats as "bitch tits". That's when scare tissue builds up on the chest around the nipples and sags. You will need a surgery to get ride of it where they cut around the nipple and remove the tissue. And also last but not least you can get hairier and pimples but that only happens in some cases not often.
Other than that I haven't heard of anything steroids can do bad to you. Nothing I've talked to people who have taken them and they say there is nothing to worry about. Now people don't get me wrong I'm not on steroids, I'm just saying hahahaha.
By the way, "Roid Rage" it's not true! If you take steroids and your a dick, then it just makes you more of a dick.
Steroids also helps with AIDS. A man has been living with AIDS and he takes steroids cause it increases the t-cell count.

N.O. Explode

I can say by far this is the best pre-workout supplement. I've tried everything out there, and i mean anything. You name it n.o. shotgun, nano X-9, nano vapor, plasma core and I don't feel an inch as good as I feel from N.O. Explode. Just from the first time I take it I feel a pump that last my entire workout and beyond. I just came back from the gym and I worked out my bi's, triceps's, forearm's, and back, and I'm not sore at all.
NO Explode Pictures, Images and Photos
For though who don't know what a pre-work out is its a stimulant. It gives you a pump and expands your veins so more blood can flow threw. This results in longer work outs and less soreness. Also I see massive gains from taking it. Just in one week i can see that my arms and shoulders are bigger than they were a week ago. I love this stuff.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

South Park....Again:)

I cant get enough of this show. Its seriously making me laugh at this moment. The shit they do is incredible! The best thing is that two people make up the show. Trey Park and Matt Stone. They are the inventories of South Park. They have also been featured in there own movie "Baseketball". By the way the movie was a two thumbs up in my opinion. But back to South Park. They make fun of every religion. And I mean everyone. Jews,Catholics,A-Rab's,and Japs and so on. Also sorry for shortening the religions names. But as South Park says "They took our jobs!"


We all love money. But it is one of the hardest things to get at this time right now in our economical struggle. My mom is always telling me to get a job, but how am I suppose to get one when people who have college or masters degrees not able to get one. This is crazy how were told to go to college and will have a nice job and be able to survive. Now we don't even know if college is going to guarantee us a future job. So what are you going to do?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

South Park!

south park Pictures, Images and Photos
My favorite show! I love this show. It always puts the biggest smile on my face and has me cracking up. It always has to do with something going on in current events or a spoof of something. Like the new episode this week was a spoof of "Batman", and Cartman was a super hero called "The Coon". Hahahahahahaahhahahaha its funny cause if you have seen the new Batman, Cartman talks like him and it just had me dying laughing the whole time. Just thinking about it makes me laugh. I also love how its so low tech. The same look for 10 years nothing has changed really that's what makes it so funny. How they make Canadians have bobbing heads. Also I love how they just rip on every religion. From Jew jokes to Christian's having little boys on dog leashes. Best Show Ever.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Good Bye To Rugby..

In a meeting between my coach and mother this subject came up. They said it would be better if I would stop playing rugby because my grades are more important and I need to get a scholarship. Now I agree with that sorta... I think I shouldn't have to quit the sport cause my grades are bad. But I'm not doing terrible(A, two B+'s and a D). I just messed up my freshman year bad cause I had nothing pushing me to do good. Also now I'm taking online class too just to help myself. So there blaming it on rugby saying I have to much stress with it when that's not the answer cause practice is only two days a week then a game on Saturday. So its really not time consuming. I don't know what they plan on me doing from 3-10p.m. everyday. What study?!?!?!? Like I'm going to study that long. Get real no one studies that long. I've mad it my business to study from 7-till I'm done studying every night now that's reasonable. I love rugby and to just quit mid season is stupid cause I feel like that's letting my teammates down. They weren't even going to let me play one more game! So I was very pissed. So now I'm going against my football coach's and playing until the season is done. I just want to finish the season, that's it. Then after I'm stepping away from the sport till I'm 40 or something.
Let me know what you would do in my situation for this.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Its Funny

Its funny how when a simple 4 letter word as simple as FCAT is mentioned, students at Cypress Bay High school see it as a week off. Well except for the ninth, tenth and some seniors and juniors. Oh and the Cypress Bay Football team. Its also funny cause in at one time the biggest school in the nation, looks like a ghost town. But beginning a football player I was there everyday sitting in my 1st hour class for 3 hours! So boring but I’m glad to say lets do some work for once.

Chicken Tender Sub

So as I sit here eating my chicken tender sub. I wonder what can I write about in my blog tonight, and I was think why not about this delicious sub. In my opinion I think it is the best sub out there. Yes Subway is good but the chicken at Publix is so much tastier and you get more pieces of chicken at Publix. Although it is probably a dollar more for a foot long but there just so DAME GOOD!
chicken dance Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Getting Big!!!

I here kids all over Cypress Bay talking about getting big. The thing that pisses me off is that they talk about it and don't do it. Now i can say i workout everyday not to sound cool or whatever saying "getting big" means to these kids. I do it cause i LOVE to workout and the feeling i get when i feel the muscle fibers in my body shred. Also when i here what these kids are taking to get big makes me laugh sometimes. The reason being is cause half of them don't know what they are taking. I usually stick to protein and N.O. explode. N.O. explode for those who don't know, is a powder you mix and it gives you energy to workout and give every last rep when you workout. So now if you say "I'm gonna get big and start working out," please do it.

Cody Pual #5

The 13 year old football running back from California. He is amazing! I can't believe how such a young kid can have speed and cuts like that. I wounder what he will be like in his senior year in high school and see if his explosive running gets more explosive or just burns out as time goes on. Here is his highlight tape, take a look at it and tell me your opinion on what you think this kid will turn out to be. Btw its ok to laugh at the kids getting there ankles broke.=]

Thursday, February 26, 2009

So Tried....

I'm tired right now and i have to write a blog. I don't have anything to talk about but if i don't then ill get a bad grade so ill just B.S. it. Being flatfooted is cool. Cause I'm for war but I'm one of those people who really don't want to go to war so ill just blame it on my feet cause there But when you have flat feet shoes take extra long to break in. You actually have to stretch out the shoes so your feet will fit.


First off to the CEO's of Sprint Pcs I love your service. But your phones that i get from your company SUCK! They are so fragile and they always brake on me. OK now most of you will be like "shut up tucci your just so big you break everything" well no i don't.LOL. The problem with my phone is it always turns off on me. Like when i open it,it turns off and when I'm texting it turns off too. I HATE IT!!!! BTW, if anyone has an old sprint phone can i have it cause I'm dying with this phone and my contract is up in November so i have to wait mad long.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Football at cypress bay is not just a sport its LIFE! Once you step in that weight room you are now part of the biggest family in "The Bay". There is something about it that just makes you want to be there when you don't want to. I know when I hear that bell ring before fourth hour all my friends are going to normal class flirting with girls and talking while I'm going to work. And I call it work cause that's what I see it as. I'm working to be the best linemen in the state of Florida. Most people say don’t look at as work cause then the fun is sucked out of it. that's not true in my opinion. I go there and I have come to love it. Right now my ankle is a little messed up so I haven't been able to do much foot work or power cleaning, and it pisses me off! But just watching all my teammates lifting and doing dot drill it kills me cause I have this bum ankle. So for those who say football is life, yes it is LIFE! and that's the way I like it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ankle pain!

last Sunday i had one of my favorite things to do. Of course I'm talking about a rugby game. I traveled all the way to West Palm Beach to play Jupiter in a rugby game. The game was very intense cause there were so many hits in the game. After the game kids were saying that was the best game they ever played. It also was raining which made it more intense. But i got tackled and sprained my ankle. It hurt so much!! I couldn't walk at all. The next day the pain was so shocking that i couldn't walk at all the next day but thanks to the pills of America i started to feel alot better and i can walk now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I have the flu. I've missed two days of school cause of this epidemic. My mom said that when she went to get me NyQuil, cause everyone know NyQuil does the job, there wasn't any! Can you believe it a whole store wiped out of NyQuil! I was surprised to hear that. So I'm taking Zicam which in my opinion taste horrible. They say add it to any drink and it you don't taste it. WRONG! Once you add it to your once Delicious drink it turns into a disgusting drink of medicine.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Me In A Rugby Game=]

I found this video of me playing rugby
and I'm wearing the Argentina socks and i score.
Also I'm number 3.But since the team we were playing was new the scrum was
not contested.For those who don't know the scrum is what you see at the beginning of the video.Finally, I just have to say it...I RAN THIS KID OVER!
Just watch and see.
Weston vs. Sarasota

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Broward County and Dade County Rappers

Ice Berg Pictures, Images and Photos
You hear can hear them on the Ipods of students in all schools in South Florida. They are the rappers who control this region,but why are they known only in this area. The rappers I'm talking about are some like Brisco,Ice Berg,Ballgreeze,and many more. I ask my cousins and friends if they know about them but they just look at me like i have a chicken on my head. They have all been featured with Lil Wayne in at least one of his songs. So why aren't they popular. The only one I have really seen hit the big charts is Ace Hood who was born and raised in Broward County. I guess its cause they want to stay true to there hood or whatever it is. But I think they should start more taking there work out of the state of Florida and they would be a lot more successful in my opinion. Some of my favorite songs are from these rappers.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Super Bowl

Now the Super Bowl this year was better than I expected. Who would have thought that cardinals would have put up a battle against the MIGHTY Steelers defense. But in the end as we all know the luck of Big Ben to escape the pressure of the pursue of the defense was with him this game. Now as for Kurt Warner the defense was in his face all night, despite throwing for over 250 yards and two TD's. But it is the little things that change the game like the 100 yard interception and the two force fumbles by the Steelers powerful defensive line. Now in my opinion those two forced fumbles were actually passes. If you go back and look at the tape Kurt's arm had forward movement both times! I’m not saying that the ref's were bad but come on its the SUPER BOWL be fair to both teams here now. You know that rule where it states that within the last two minutes of a game and there is a play that looks like it could be over turned there is an automatic booth review, but that didn't happen on Sunday. The Steelers got the ball back and sealed the Super Bowl victory. And it looked very possible for a Cards' victory cause on that last drive they were driven the ball down the field and had one time out left. But that’s sports for you and congrats to the Steelers and there record 6 Super Bowl victories.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Best Rapper Alive!!!

Usually when u hear the qoute "The Best Rapper Alive" one rapper comes to mind...yes i am talking about Lil Wyane.He has pretty much takin over the bussiness.Every new song that comes out you can be sure it is featuring him.As i right this blog i am curently listen to him and to tell you the truth no one comes anywhere near him.I mean look at the facts the songs he features in mostly are amonug the top songs.He can take the same lyrics he used in one track and put it over another track and still make it sound amazing.Another thing about him he doesn't have just those couris that stick in your head he has entire lines from songs that just have you singing to yourself when you day dream.So to the "Best Rapper Alive" keep doin your thing.

Monday, January 26, 2009


This is just a look of the sport i play called Rugby for who that have never seen the sport

Friday, January 23, 2009


The Gym is not only a place where you workout now a days. When your at the gym you talk about your day. And that is what this blog is for. I will pick a topic every week or about the samething (sports, t.v., etc). This week I would like to talk more the lines of the up and coming Super Bowl. The Steelers v.s. The Cardinals.