Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ankle pain!

last Sunday i had one of my favorite things to do. Of course I'm talking about a rugby game. I traveled all the way to West Palm Beach to play Jupiter in a rugby game. The game was very intense cause there were so many hits in the game. After the game kids were saying that was the best game they ever played. It also was raining which made it more intense. But i got tackled and sprained my ankle. It hurt so much!! I couldn't walk at all. The next day the pain was so shocking that i couldn't walk at all the next day but thanks to the pills of America i started to feel alot better and i can walk now.

1 comment:

  1. You should try taking morphine! I know it’s illegal and all to get without a prescription but from what I hear it makes all your sad thoughts happy and makes the pain go away. Now I’m not condoning using drugs but if you are truly in pain I'm sure you will be forgiven for using drugs. I'm not sure where to get morphine but we go to cypress bay so I'm sure you can stumble upon it.

    Also you should break your arm. With a broken arm you will totally forget about your ankle, that is unless you don't forget and you are just in double the pain. Good luck!
