Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Good Bye To Rugby..

In a meeting between my coach and mother this subject came up. They said it would be better if I would stop playing rugby because my grades are more important and I need to get a scholarship. Now I agree with that sorta... I think I shouldn't have to quit the sport cause my grades are bad. But I'm not doing terrible(A, two B+'s and a D). I just messed up my freshman year bad cause I had nothing pushing me to do good. Also now I'm taking online class too just to help myself. So there blaming it on rugby saying I have to much stress with it when that's not the answer cause practice is only two days a week then a game on Saturday. So its really not time consuming. I don't know what they plan on me doing from 3-10p.m. everyday. What study?!?!?!? Like I'm going to study that long. Get real no one studies that long. I've mad it my business to study from 7-till I'm done studying every night now that's reasonable. I love rugby and to just quit mid season is stupid cause I feel like that's letting my teammates down. They weren't even going to let me play one more game! So I was very pissed. So now I'm going against my football coach's and playing until the season is done. I just want to finish the season, that's it. Then after I'm stepping away from the sport till I'm 40 or something.
Let me know what you would do in my situation for this.


  1. Well Tuch, I feel your pain. Being a dual sport athlete, I know how much effort, and heart goes into the "off season" sport. But, I have never been mislead by G and Courcelle. If it really isn't time consuming then yes, continue to play, but sit down and really decide whether or not you can see the whole picture, You can always go back to Rugby, but you only get certain opportunities once. I can't really say whether or not to go ahead, or hold back. That my friend is a decision you must make yourself. What ever you do decide to do, as a team mate and brother, I will support you.

  2. tucci could never stop playing sports
